Breaking the Mold: WOC in Entrepreneuriship
How do you define credibility within your brand? Your brand is more than just your physical appearance and aesthetics; It’s also a reflection of how your values align with and are expressed through your brand’s culture. This includes how you treat your staff, how you engage with customers, and the principles behind your business policies.

Why is Brand Credibility So Important?
How do you define credibility within your brand? Your brand is more than just your physical appearance and aesthetics; It’s also a reflection of how your values align with and are expressed through your brand’s culture. This includes how you treat your staff, how you engage with customers, and the principles behind your business policies.

Brand Trends for 2024–2025
To be trendy or not to be trendy. Branding trends help us to understand the different visual styles that are popular in the market. They will help give an idea of which direction you want your brand to go in terms of visuals.

MYCO Turns One!
Reflections on my very first year of entrepreneurship. A year ago, I insecurely embarked on this new journey of working for myself. I had just been laid off from a very toxic workplace…